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Collection of usefull functions, hooks, and so on to aid development of react based apps.


This project is licensed under AGPL-3.0. See the LICENSE file for more informations.



import { classNames } from '@bithero/react-helpers';

    The `classNames()` helper function aids in programatic "generation" of html/css classnames
    by providing an simple way to use the ternary operator to switch between classnames.
classNames([ "some-class", true  ? "visible": null ]);  // ==> "some-class visible"
classNames([ "some-class", false ? "visible": null ]);  // ==> "some-class"


import { useControlled } from '@bithero/react-helpers';

    With `useControlled()` one can build components that are either controlled or uncontrolled:
interface IMySelectProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {
    selection?: string
    onSelectionChange?(selection: string)

export const MySelect = ({ selection: controlledSelection, onSelectionChange }: IMySelectProps) => {

    // useControlled() uses useState() internally, but only if `controlled` is not `undefined`;
    const [ selection, setSelection ] = useControlled<string>({
        controlled: controlledSelection,
        default: null,
        name: 'MySelect.selection'

    const isControlled = controlledSelection !== undefined;

    const changeSelection = (selection: string) => {
        if (!isControlled) {

    return ( /* ... */ );

hookAware callbacks

import { IHookAware, createHookAware, CallbackOrHookAware, setupHookAware, runHookAware } from '@bithero/react-helpers';

export function MyComponent({ cb }: { cb: CallbackOrHookAware<(a: number, b: number) => number> }) {
    const hookValues = setupHookAware(cb);

    useEffect(() => {
        var c: number = runHookAware(cb, hookValues, 5, 12);
    }, [cb, hookValues])

    return (<div></div>);

export function MyOtherComponent() {
    const handler: IHookAware<(a: number, b: number) => number> = createHookAware(
        {'zState': [useState, 0]},
        function (a, b) {
            const [z, setZ] = this.zState;
            return a + b;
    return (<MyComponent cb={handler}/>);

export function MyThirdComponent() {
    const handler = (a: number, b: number) => (a + b);
    return (<MyComponent cb={handler}/>);